Hello, I recognize that this blog is not so active, so I decided to post this. Can the blog be more active? Puh-leeeeaz. Klau pegi Port Dickson tu... klau pegi pantai mesti nak post punye...klau banyak sampah... a few weeks ago, I went to Terengganu and, guess what? Yah you guessed it.... The people who throw away the trash have to be responsible, WE have to be responsible. Yah, we should pick up rubbish we see and throw it in Trash Can.... or if you ade fruit smoothie bagi the monkeys yang berdekatan... hahaha. No really, im not joking. They actually like it. You buang dalam trash can tak guna jugak(klau ade monkeys... klau xde bergune sangat2!!). The monkeys will always dig in the trash to find fruit smoothie anyway -_-' They actually shouldn't..... tapi diorang rase kitorang belanja die kot... haritu I pegi to Pantai Kemasik at Kerteh wif my mum punye frend and her sister ade beli dis fruit thing-a-mob (cam milkshake ah) then ade some leftovers yang die cam tak nak minum dah pastu die nampak monkey tgh cari the thing so she said, "Nah, ni saya kasi awak," so kitorang slamat, if she didnt give mesti kitorng mesti naik ke kereta the hard way hahaha! (No, seriously, Im not kidding. Monkeys really do eat fruit smoothies even though not gud for them).... So ciao for now!
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