Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Oil, gosh it's everywhere!! The river, the sea, the petrol station(obviously...), everywhere!! Why? Why? WHY??? Kawan- kawan... ini adalah sebab manusia.... yes, us(not exactly us lah)... why do some people throw things into the water... ha... itu sebab... diorang tak ingat mase depan diaorang. How can we live without water? It's like, the source of everything!! Our thirst, our hunger(we need it to cook lah...), our hygiene.... lot's of things... how will we live without it?? One of the famous sources is PD... yes Port Dickson... if you go to the beach there... it's like, you know, see it everywhere! I went to this Glory Beach Resort in PD for a family reunion(happened at night)... and when my aunt brought us(me, my kuzens, my brother) to the beach, the shadiest part was filled with oil! How bad is that?? The whole corner was oil! Oil, oil, oil, why?????? One thing you can do, if you see someone throwing oil in to the river(or sea), at least tell your parents. They'll know what to do! Save the Environment!!!

Leaf PileTree 5Tree 2Palm TreeTree 3CactusBushLeaf 8Leaf 7Leaf 1Palm TreeEarthRainbowMoonFlowersFlowersFlowersRaking Leaves

The earth is a beautiful place. Make it more beautiful, save the environment!!

Yours truly,
